BCDP Headquarters
Hours in January and February:
Tues and Thurs 11am-2pm and 4-6pm
Weds and Fri 11am-2pm
Saturday 10am - 4pm
523 W. Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Suite 14, Maryville, 37801
Call 865-268-9426 for more information.
2023-24 Executive Committee
The BCDP Executive Committee is made up of 2 District Representatives elected from each of the 10 Blount County commission districts and Officers. District Representatives represent Democrats within their district and participate in governing the Blount County Democratic Party (for more detail about what they do see their job description).
The Executive Committee meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month. The meeting is open to the public. We welcome anyone who is interested in supporting the Democratic platform and participating in BCDP activities.
Executive Committee Officers
Chair: Sue DuBois
1st Vice Chair: Patti Young
2nd Vice Chair: Peggy Jackson
Secretary: Marte Lawrence
Treasurer: Sally Whelan
District Representatives
Find your district
District 1
Judy Watson-Knight
District 2
Dan McCord Jr
Tracey Farr
District 3
Deborah Morgan
Steven Morgan
District 4
Allie Sasser
District 5
Jenny Jordan
Dan Mason
District 6
Judith Graham
District 7
Keith Elliot
Terry Allmond
District 8
Gail Taylor
Phil Young
District 9
Alice Wardrep
Brent Dotson
District 10
Jennifer Coffin
Tom Heck
Ex officio members of the Executive Committee:
Democratic Women’s Group Chair:
TN College Democrats: Joshua Cornell
TN Young Democrats:
Immediate Past Chair: Nathan Higdon